Monday, July 27, 2020

24 July catch up via Twitter

24 July 2020

Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all.–Unk "#JunWeiYeo was charged with using his political consultancy in #America as a front to collect information for #ChineseIntelligence"-#US officials-

Tiptoeing? It's #RideauHall! No? "According to a report from @CBCNews, anonymous staffers at Rideau Hall alleged that #Payette had created a #ToxicAtmosphere and #yelled at #employees, sometimes reducing them to tears and prompting them to quit."-@CTVNews

Early 20's, got pregnant. Thought of myself as #invincible. #Unconquerable. At 22, had a
real baby! After got #AIDS! #TheYoung beware of #COVID19, it's real, may cause a stroke etc, #ItSpreads and kills... #WearMask, keep a safe distance, wash hands often.

"#Hindsight is 20/20 is a proverb that means it is easy to understand something after it has already happened."-
. "More than 45,000 people in the #UK have died after #testing + for #coronavirus...with almost 300,000 cases #confirmed."-@BBCNews.

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